Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

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Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

Postby soundboyrich on 25 Apr 2020, 03:33

Am I reading this correctly, in the release notes? Producer now does

"! load 8/16/24/32 bits samples 44100 to 192000".

I recently download Producer 7.21 and liked it!. Now asking myself "Don't think I need Cross". I've been using MixVibes 6.394 for years now for gigs while seeking other software to migrate too and that plays Flac 192kHz. (Going to rerecord some of my vinyl collection someday)

I'll give MixVibes folks some Beta feedback on Producer 7.4 Beta soon... If it aint broke don't fix it.
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Re: Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

Postby RoJeC on 25 Apr 2020, 08:51

ENjoy using it. Be aware the development stopped over a decade ago. So basically a waste of effort to provide feedback.

Though feedback on basic features that Cross is drifting away from may be hidden in the history of the own products.

Current OS's likely won't support this version. If lucky W7 may run it.


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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Re: Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

Postby soundboyrich on 06 May 2020, 07:10

I believe Cross Pro 4.2 isn't any better than Producer. My opinion, not a fact. I would like the bugs fixed/enhanced from Producer. I'm going to the latest release Producer 7.218, my only issue is it doesn't play 192KHz WAV or FLAC. 7.218 Also drifts but nothing like the RC candidate mentioned below.

Install Wizard didn't start on initial start up. Setting sound card manually crashes if Wizard not run first.

Turntables always require reCalibration whenever I return to Producer. Reopen Producer and Vinyl setup is gone. Vinyl/CD Tab is missing from the Options until the installation Wizard is run. It also falls back to DirectSound in the Soundcard Tab of Options. It should keep ASIO soundcard setting whenever I reopen Producer.

The beginning of play using vinyl, there is noise (like a terrible DJ scratching slow) although Quality is 98%. If your cueing using vinyl (at the very beginning only or anywhere on vinyl), the position will drift rendering Cue useless. There is vinyl position/timing drift throughout. Take the needle off the vinyl and watch the start-time/stop-time drift forward or backward if that was last used. TUNE OFF AUTO-CUE POSITION/TIME-DRIFT PROBLEM less but didn't go away. Go to Option/Mix/Auto Cue and select "No" for Auto-Cue. Noise though at beginning of vinyl position persist.

The Playlist has gotten very confusion compared to MixVibes Pro V6.394. I use Playlist to program mixed shows but it is more like a media player now. Double click loads songs in Deck, A or B use to load DeckA or DeckB respectively. I would like to apply my own headers visible. Playlist also swaps output without no sense of which Deck is route where (wish this was just taken out, disabled).

Security enabled and Playlist still load DeckA that is play DVS vinyl. (Should never happen with playing vinyl and Lock enabled. Click and drag to load a song in a deck isn't fast and too much mouse movement when I want to press 1 key (not 2 like Ctrl+<-->) and have it load in the Deck setup. Click and drop prevented but double click load the song on the Deck.

Using the Playlist repeated to double click and play songs, the audio routing stop passing through Chan 2 or Deck 2. I had to restart to fix issue.

When its the end of the vinyl the audio ocassionally drops out or stops altogether playing.

WAV filename setup. software assumes <Artist> - <Title> naming currently my music filenames use <Title> - <Artist>

SamplingRate Tag not available? If Bit Rate field used, show SamplingRate for WAV.

Toggle a Loop or Kill Buttons Mouse down appears to be Focus then Mouse down, requiring 2 clicks on most Location, Cue or Loops buttons.

Set Beat Loop needs 32, highest setting is 16. Is this configurable via a file setting.

Vinyl mode Off, CUE mouse click causes Play to mouse click too resulting in Play when I don't want play.

In Vinyl Mode, no needle on the turntable the music loaded on the deck plays, like a shift in time (albeit very slow). Appears to be reacting to noise pick up on the audio soundcard or other equipment. VU meter on the GUI show signal, although there is no needle in the DVS record groove. Turn up the volume on that channel, there is noise as if needle is scratching backnforth in very short movements. There seems to be alot of noise coming through the soundcard on the channel.

The Playlist needs to columns setting per the user, like the mediabase view.

In Vinyl Mode, Track search is disabled. I use it to restart music from the beginning, even if Vinyl Mode.

Playlist does not load when using keyboard mapped key A (load DeckA) or B (load DeckB) instead the Mediabase song last selected is loaded. Made attempts to map the keys but Playlist does not have mapping.
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Re: Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

Postby RoJeC on 06 May 2020, 15:42

Just to avoid any misunderstanding for you or others reading your feedback: You tested software from an other era. The product is no longer supported.

Ever since there have been 2 complete rewrites of the software. First to 32 bit and both Win/OSX support. And next to 64bit.

Some of your feedback items where to rare in that era to even build in (like 128 was a normal used ratio which already took a lot of costly disk space...)


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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Location: Bussum, Netherlands

Re: Producer 7.4 Beta candidate

Postby soundboyrich on 07 May 2020, 06:16

So I assume these rewrites of software are now called Cross... Cross Pro etc. ?

I'm not sure Cross handles 24bit 192KHz audio correctly or does it downconvert to 96KHz. The Preference/Audio Tab shows up to 96KHz. I can play 24bit 192kHz WAV on Cross Pro but it reports the Tag sample rate as 96KHz. Using M-Audio Profire 610, ASIO mode, 192KHz sample rate.

I don't consider Cross a rewrite of Producer. They are very different. Too many to describe here. Cross run OK until I connect 2 turntables for DVS. Turntable support is becoming an afterthought, I'm not surprised.
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