activation du logiciel

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activation du logiciel

Postby alienator on 14 Sep 2017, 20:25


j ai ré installé mixvibes DVS sur mon nouveau PC , j'ai le compte a rebours des jours pour activation du logiciel, quand je clique pour activation internet ça me dit ok , mais dès que je sors du logiciel et que je l ouvre j ai tjrs le compte a rebours , impossible a activer, comment faire ??? AIDEZ MOI SVP
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Re: activation du logiciel

Postby RoJeC on 14 Sep 2017, 21:13

The MixVibes DVS development ended appx 10 years ago. Using it at a new PC (W10?) may result in some issues.
You might want to give the Cross DVS version a try, which is the successor of the MV DVS.

The 'Cross Demo' version may help you by the decision making...

If you want to try to have you MV DVS license activated it may be an option to send an email to But please don't consider it a promise that they can do it still.


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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Re: activation du logiciel

Postby alienator on 17 Sep 2017, 09:12


il me reste plus que 10 jours pour activer le logiciel , mail envoyé au support mixvibes et pas de reponse, je sais plus quoi faire :cry:
aidez moi svp

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Re: activation du logiciel

Postby RoJeC on 18 Sep 2017, 00:44

Support for Mixvibes DVS has been discontinued many years ago. So if you want more certainty you'll have to go to Cross (full version for DVS).

Else you'll depend on the devteam which doesn't work in the weekends. And ther is no guarantee if they can get it to work as Win Vista is the last supported OS version (If recall right). So even if they would be able to create a key it might still end up to be a problem using it.


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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Joined: 20 May 2011, 08:55
Location: Bussum, Netherlands

Re: activation du logiciel

Postby alienator on 18 Sep 2017, 21:45

merci roJec de tes reponses, pour moi ça va etre la fin de Mixvibes :cry: apres toutes ces années de mix , je pense m 'orienter vers DS1 denon Serato DVS, merci encore l'ami
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