Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

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Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby DJDAKHOR01 on 01 Sep 2016, 04:04

Hola! alguien me puede ayudar a corregir un error ya que a la hora de cargar un track brinca o se congela el programa por segundos y a veces sigue corriendo pero se congela la pantalla, mi controlador es el U-Mix Control Pro ya he desactivado el antivirus el internet y esta actualizado a la versión 3.3.11 y he ehcho pruebas de manera manual con el virtual DJ y ahí no pasa lo que con el Cross DJ que deverdad ya nose que hacerle para funcione bien ya hasta baje el nivel de buffer y es lo mismo se sigue trabando.agradeceria su respuesta.
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 06 Sep 2016, 16:13

Voy a responder en ingles, de esta manera mas gente puede entender. Para la gente que no habla ingles, puede lograr buenas traduciones con Google Translate.

I need to know :
- what device are you using (which Mac or which PC? The more details the better)
- do you have the problem when your controller is NOT plugged?
- does the problem happen with all tracks?

Thanks a lot in advance for your kind answer.
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 07 Sep 2016, 10:20

I got the following answer by PM, I publish it here so we can have a public solution

"the problem does being connected or disconnected the controller, the laptop that I use is a inspiron processor i7 6GB ram and 1tb and failure is both video or just music, have done tests with virtual DJ and a Numark controller and not no problem to rule it computer, I can do to work well both the controller and the Cross DJ. agradecere your answer."

My questions:
- Does the Numark controller works well with Cross DJ? Which controller is it?
- Is the problem happening with any audio track? (let's leave video aside for the moment). Could you try with new, classic mp3 tracks?
- Where did you get the version of Cross DJ (on the forum ? on Share it?)
- what kind of screen do you have?

Besides, could you send a crash report to ?

Many thanks in advance for this.
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby DJDAKHOR01 on 08 Sep 2016, 20:51

Hello! the driver brought the CD intslacion the croos DJ and announcements page mixvibes I have received updates and video plugin buy the same from the page, I encuanto failure presenting the program has done on two laptop one with with Widows vista and now this with windows 8 and does so with new or old songs load freezes while a track and generates a small jump've moved the buffer and does not improve and testing I've done with the virtual is a mixer that not is controller card is audio only.but the virtual runs smoothly does brincos when loaded audios unlike DJ Cross from the version 1.5.1 has generated conflicts and embarrassments me in shows by its failure so I decided to use a new laptop with i7 processor win8 6GB of ram and 1tb believing it would improve but it was not the screen is 15 inches previous laptop was 14 and had a CoreDuo and 4gb ram and 500gb processor disk,the question is because it makes the Cross DJ those jumps or what kind of equipment is needed to run well.
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 13 Sep 2016, 11:18


Thanks for your feedback


- Do you have the problem with NO controler plugged?

- Which Numark controler were you talking about?

- Is the problem happening with every audio track?
- Is the problem happening with normal mp3 tracks?

- Is the problem happening with every video track?

- Where did you get the version of Cross DJ (on the forum ? on Share it?)
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby DJDAKHOR01 on 27 Sep 2016, 18:06

the problems are with or without the attached controller freezes or jumps the track while it is playing, on the other hand the virtual DJ use it with a mixer c3 usb Numark is noncontrolling but includes audio card but there the virtual me not generate problem some, the problem is when I use the Cross with the controller or DJ pro mix control and when you buy the driver brought the Cross DJ version 1.5.1 update notices subsequently received the same software which actualize your page,usually the problem of skipping or freezing by seconds it does with old or new audios ..since I have this driver has not been stable or the software this laptop is new and with more capacity and last generation as it is core i7 1TB 6GB ram win8 the win seen before in 4gb ram 500 gb intel core processor centrino,and I had the same details of jumps and change then if two laptop, what is the solution to problem, I hope you can tell me.
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Re: Cross DJ se congela o brinca por segundos

Postby RoJeC on 27 Sep 2016, 20:04

I use Cross DJ with Mixtrack for long time with win8.

Make sure to use Cross DJ version 3.3.11 (version 1.5 was likely before Win7).

Please be aware that the Cross software was bundled by Numark with the MixTrack. Mixvibes doesn't deliver any drivers for this.

The 'dropouts' are probably also because you're not using an Asio driver. You could try downloading ASIO4ALL from
After you installed, start Cross, goto preferences? audio, select asio4all. select Settings. In asio4all menu select your mixtrack.

likely you can decrease the latency to 256 or lower.


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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