Mono Microphone support in Cross DJ

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Mono Microphone support in Cross DJ

Postby jdesmidt on 01 Apr 2016, 21:16

I tested Cross because Traktor does not support video but it seems unpossible to use a mono microphone L or R in Mixvibes. I can only select L+R. Any plans to support this in the near future ? In Traktor and other DJ apps this is possible and it works fine.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2016, 12:53

Re: Mono Microphone support in Cross DJ

Postby RoJeC on 02 Apr 2016, 01:30

Cross doesn't support mic input at all. It's line and Phono that are supported.
It's not just a matter of having the option as it depends on type of soundcard as well as on type of mic if it is possible. That's why many DJ's connect their mic to the pro controller or the mixer.

Though Cross has a gain range for inputs it is more reliable and stable to use a mic pre-amp and connect this by a mono to stereo cable to the input.

Using a headset generally works.
For 'professional' type mics it depends on users knowledge and equipment (balanced<>stereo,phantom power y/n).

I do assume you noticed that to use a line input you need to switch a deck to Line. This is done in the center mixer section by clicking the deck button (A, B)


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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