U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

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U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

Postby DJ-Zibot on 11 Apr 2012, 04:47

Hi ...

Just downloaded the U-Mix Remote off the Apple App store to give it a try. A bit of poking and pushing here and there in configs and next thing I knew, I had the iPad2 networked to my MacBook and triggering CrossDJ 1.7.1 ... nice!

Actions of the U-Mix Remote (iPad2) are mirrored on my Hercules Control MK4 indicator lights and on the Macbook screen - and vice versa).

Pretty intuitive after that ... most things seemed to work right away:

play/sync/crossfader/volume/eq/effects, etc ... Quite thrilling to walk around wireless and be flying the software – struck me it might have some 'wow' factor interacting with an audience at an event.

At one point received a message - wifi signal to weak although distance shouldn't have been a real problem. Another time I saw a 'repaired' connection message. There was never more than about 35 feet between iPad and Macbook - in an open loft space.

Via the CrossDJ preferences window - Remote pane, the wireless connection can be reset de-selecting and re-selecting the check box for 'use remote apps'.

NO CUEING? – the promo on the website mentions "previewing a track before loading" - implies hearing it ... but I have yet to hear any sound on my headphones if they are plugged into the iPad 2 (iPad volume is up and other apps play audio into headphones) ...

So, not supported? Or configuration issue? Things sort of ground to a halt at that point.

Until I can cue/hear on headphones via the iPad2 headphone jack, I can't really see using the U-Mix Remote beyond a bit of a novelty.

Can anyone confirm if previewing track or cuing is actually supported on this iPad app? Should I be able to hear CrossDJ cue and mix-out audio on headphones plugged into the iPad2?

If not, that really needs to be explicitly mentioned ...

Thanks ...
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Re: U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

Postby Luziano on 11 Apr 2012, 16:16

Hi DJ-Zibot,

By "previewing a track before loading", we are not talking about cueing: it's the preview feature of the media browser. With the right settings, you can stream a track from your computer to your device, and listen to it with your headphones plugged into the iPad.

We don't stream the mix: because of the latency, cueing would be quite useless, impossible to beat-match.

You can use wireless headphones plugged into your computer / controller / sound card... and then push the cue button, but latency still be there.

...or edit your beatgrids if incorrects, and trust in the SYNC button!
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Re: U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

Postby DJ-Zibot on 11 Apr 2012, 19:13

Hi Luziano,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. One of your suggestions crossed my mind, using wireless headphones to stream from the sound card in my Hercules Controller (of course additional gear, costs etc).

And I can appreciate the latency issue for strict beat matching. On the other hand, previewing a track just to verify it's the one I want, or to check a few things is still useful.

Since you wrote:

With the right settings, you can stream a track from your computer to your device, and listen to it with your headphones plugged into the iPad.

... can you elaborate on what the right settings are? I haven't been able to stream any audio to the headphones plugged into my iPad...

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Re: U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

Postby Luziano on 12 Apr 2012, 10:35

On the other hand, previewing a track just to verify it's the one I want, or to check a few things is still useful.

... can you elaborate on what the right settings are? I haven't been able to stream any audio to the headphones plugged into my iPad...

You can do this by:

- open the 'collection' window (tap one of the titles)
- in the main bar of the collection, you can choose the preview mode (between the 'Cancel' button and the search text field): select 'Stream'
- tap the track of your choice: 2 extra buttons appear, one to load the track and the other to preview it

You can only preview files whose format is supported by iOS.
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Re: U-Mix Remote/Cross DJ: 1st Impressions & Cue Problem

Postby DJ-Zibot on 16 Apr 2012, 01:13

Hi Luziano

Thanks for that info. I hadn't noticed the Stream/Cross option in preview mode on the iPad – totally fixes it. Although having advanced now to the next issue, there seems to be a buffering issue streaming the preview audio to the iPad.

While I can hear the track previewing, it's all choppy (and maybe a bit slow). I'm going to try poking around to see if I can solve the problem. It allows me to do what I need (like identify the track) but it's not streaming smoothly. These are all mp3 320 files typically.

Might be resource contention on my older 2007 Macbook, or a ram thing (only 2G on the Macbook, don't know yet.). I've tried changing the CrossDJ preferences for 'audio cache' and 'buffer size' to no avail so far.

If you crossed a similar problem let me know, but otherwise, thanks for the tip to get the streaming working!

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