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Postby djsamrties on 01 Jun 2014, 15:16

hello everybody,
i just test the new map audio (not video, i dont use it so i cant do a good answer sorry)
here is the excel files with my notes :


most functions work except 2 or 3 little thing that i have write in the files.

And unfortunetely, all the fx part doesnt work for me !
And the behavior is to aleatory to try to describe it sorry.
But just for exemple, i can select FX ASSIGN 1 with DECK 1, but if i try to select DECK 2, it already doesnt work. And the LED are not all right sorry..

And for you MIKE ? does video version work ?
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Postby MikeFossati on 01 Jun 2014, 17:15

Yes, FX assign works for me both in the Video and Audio Versions. The behavior is different than from previous versions, I finf this to be very logical and intuitive:

To assign the left and/or right FX unit to Deck 1 (Channel A), Deck 1 has to be selected and you have to press FX1-1 and/or FX1-2 in "FX1 Assign".

To assign the left and/or right FX unit to Deck 2 (Channel B), Deck 2 has to be selected and you have to press FX1-1 and/or FX1-2 in "FX2 Assign".

To assign the left and/or right FX unit to Deck 3 (ChannelC), Deck 3 has to be selected and you have to press FX1-1 and/or FX1-2 in "FX1 Assign".

To assign the left and/or right FX unit to Deck 4 (Channel D), Deck 4 has to be selected and you have to press FX1-1 and/or FX1-2 in "FX2 Assign".

Either FX unit can be assigned to "Master" independent of the deck selected.

The LEDs are fine as well, they are only on when either FX unit is assgined to the currently selected deck. To say it the other way around, if either FX unit is assigned to a deck which is currently not selected, then the LEDs are off.

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Postby FigDJ on 01 Jun 2014, 18:37

MikeFossati wrote:Yes, FX assign works for me both in the Video and Audio Versions. The behavior is different than from previous versions, I finf this to be very logical and intuitive:......


Thanks for your input, that confirm what I was thinking since the effects assign sections in the Audio and Video files is exactly the same.

I can't really check the files right now since I am traveling from New York back to Maryland.

djsamrties when I get home and have a chance I will check the spreadsheet that you posted for your concerns. However, based on Mike's response the effects sections are working as expected.

The correct behavior was explained in the included spreadsheet and by Mike on the previous post. Will get back to you guys probably tomorrow.
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Postby djsamrties on 02 Jun 2014, 14:38

everything is all right,
its just me who dont understand the new version but it works very fine thanks a lot !
so i can finish to notice everything and can send to you the excel file :


just 2 or 3 little things to change.
tell me.

Thanks again !
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Postby FigDJ on 02 Jun 2014, 18:16

djsamrties wrote:ok,
everything is all right,
its just me who dont understand the new version but it works very fine thanks a lot !

No worries, I know it may take a little bit to get used to it but once you got the concept it is a good way to work it for this controller.

djsamrties wrote:so i can finish to notice everything and can send to you the excel file :..

Comment from the xlx file and responses.

Switch Sampler PlayerC
dont work
This is now fixed

StartBrakeTime Player 1,2,3,and 4
sorry but i dont know what it is so i cant test it
In the general setting there is a setting for start and brake time.
When you press play/pause or course the track starts or pauses

You can adjust the amount of time a tracks takes to start and pause.

1. Load a track in Player 1
2. Notice the reponsiveness of the play pause
3. Open setting in the general section and notice the radial knobs on the bottom.
4. Use the control to vary the start and brake time.
5. Now use the play pause in your deck and see how it is different now.

Display Zoom Player 1,2,3, and 4
the zoom works but it only can jump to very close zoom to very high zoom. Its not possible to choose a value between BIG ZOOM and BIG DEZOOM
Thanks for finding that one. I had mapped it work the DDJ-FX which has an endless encoder in that position and address while the DDJ-SR has a direct fader knob. It was wrong in the Audio and Video files. It should work now but I am unable to do a general test from my current location. Please test.

Enable Titler Image
sorry but i dont know what it is so i cant test it. Maybe only with video ?
This command is not present in the Audio file so nothing to test. I just forgot to say in the notes that this command is for the video file only. I added the proper comment in the spreadsheet to reflect that this is a video only command.

button allow to switch hot cue to hot cue roll, roll to trans, slicer to combo fx and sampler to sampler roll. Actually it works, but the combo fx doesnt work. And i remember that in older version, it worked
Funny because I never mapped anything to this button which seems to be a hardware function. All the previous versions are available online and they numbered. So if you remember which version you are referring to that worked, let me know and I will take a look.

still 2400 and i continue to think that 500 is a better value
This is a user preference that can be changed by using Cross MIDI learn to change the value or adjusting the sensitivity by following the instructions on the DDJ-SR manual.

However, word of caution about changing the value. Best practice in this case is to leave it at 2400 and change the sensitivity from the controller.

Example: The current value of 2400 allows for maximum sensitivity up to 2400 which allows for the hardware to operate from 1 to the 2400 limit. If the number was changed to 1/2 of that to 1200. Then your controller adjustment is only effective from 1 to 1200. The maximum sensitivity of the jogwheel will be 1200. By leaving the value at 2400 your allowing the hardware to be adjusted to the from minimum to the maximum value without re-writting the controlling map.

Loop Halve and Loop Double
yes, but only when loop are playing. This button do nothing when loop are not playing. I think, that It have to do the same function
even if the loop is not playing.
ResponseI will make a customized version for you on this buttons.
To be clear, i have no problem in modifying the mapping to make this happen but it should only be done after the Audio version is finalized.

Do you like the different navigation in the Audio file?

For Mike
I did some cleanup work on the file and other than the Zoom function fixed everything else is the same in the Video version. Unless there are aditional issues I consider the video version now finalized. Please let me know.
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Postby MikeFossati on 02 Jun 2014, 22:48

FigDJ wrote:For Mike
I did some cleanup work on the file and other than the Zoom function fixed everything else is the same in the Video version. Unless there are aditional issues I consider the video version now finalized. Please let me know.

Thanks a lot for the updated mappings. I'll try to do some thorough testing in the next day or two.

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Postby MikeFossati on 04 Jun 2014, 23:40

As an intermediate result, so far everything is working as expected (I'm testing the video version). Need to to so more tests, especially for those functions of the controller I rarely use and thus are not yet that familiar with...

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Postby djsamrties on 05 Jun 2014, 19:32

here is my last feedback :)

The led and fx assign is very useful thanks again FigDJ.
I have an idea but i dont know if its possible so tell me :
i have notice that when you chose deck 3, the button "LOAD" change his colour in orange (like the deck 3 colour). its cool because you see very quickly that you are on deck 3. Do you know if it could be possible to do that with the led of fx assign ? I think its not possible but...

Switch Sampler PlayerC
Ok it works

StartBrakeTime Player 1,2,3,and 4.
Ok, very cool thanks !

Display Zoom Player 1,2,3, and 4
it works very fine.

Enable Titler Image
Ok :)

i think that it has always work...

i know how to change this value, dont worry.
But for me, its a map setup and not a user preference because you have to change something in the setup of the map. But, its not a problem for me so nevermind. :)
i find myself this value when i search a good setup for scratching. Im a total novice for that, but i notice that if you sractch with 2400 value, you have to do 2 turn with the jog for listen a very short sentence. And its impossible to scratch like that. So with 500 you just do a 1/2 turn with the jog for the same sentence. I hope that i am clear but i dont think so ! sorry !!!

Loop Halve and Loop Double
ok. But i dont see the interest to keep the main audio version without this feature ?

Do you like the different navigation in the Audio file?
Yes !!! its very cool thanks a lot !!!

we are very closed to finish it, isnt it ???
what an aventure !!!
i never imagine to do that,
without you FigDJ,
i have left this work since a long time !
thanks again for that ^^
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Postby FigDJ on 05 Jun 2014, 20:31

djsamrties wrote:hello,
here is my last feedback :)

The led and fx assign is very useful thanks again FigDJ.
I have an idea but i dont know if its possible so tell me :
i have notice that when you chose deck 3, the button "LOAD" change his colour in orange (like the deck 3 colour). its cool because you see very quickly that you are on deck 3. Do you know if it could be possible to do that with the led of fx assign ? I think its not possible but...

Sorry can't be done because the LEDs on LOAD are tied to individual channels. Channels 1,2,3,4 while the FX units are all tied FX1-to channel 5 and FX2-to channel 6 with all LEDs in the same channel for the FX unit. In short this is a hardware limitation.

djsamrties wrote:Switch Sampler PlayerC
Ok it works

StartBrakeTime Player 1,2,3,and 4.
Ok, very cool thanks !

Display Zoom Player 1,2,3, and 4
it works very fine.

Enable Titler Image
Ok :)

i think that it has always work...

I am glad it all works.

djsamrties wrote:TICKS / TURN VALUE
i know how to change this value, dont worry.
But for me, its a map setup and not a user preference because you have to change something in the setup of the map. But, its not a problem for me so nevermind. :)
i find myself this value when i search a good setup for scratching. Im a total novice for that, but i notice that if you sractch with 2400 value, you have to do 2 turn with the jog for listen a very short sentence. And its impossible to scratch like that. So with 500 you just do a 1/2 turn with the jog for the same sentence. I hope that i am clear but i dont think so ! sorry

So what I am reffering to is that there are instructions in your owners manual on how to change this setting by using a combination of couple of button sequences to adjust it. However, this only works correctly if the software map is set to maximum so you can adjust using the hardware from max to min and back.

If the value in software is not max, then the hardware adjust can never reach max. In my experience it is better to leave the software at max and allow the controller adjustment for the Jog as it was intended. However, this is ultimately your choice for what works best for you.

djsamrties wrote:Loop Halve and Loop Double
ok. But i dont see the interest to keep the main audio version without this feature?

I understand what you want. Now that we have got rid of the bugs, I consider the Audio version finalized. But I will be posting a djsamrties version shortly. This version will be the same as the Audio but with the loop command modified as you stated before.
Coming Soon!!

djsamrties wrote:Do you like the different navigation in the Audio file?
Yes !!! its very cool thanks a lot !!!

Glad it works for you.
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Postby FigDJ on 05 Jun 2014, 21:49


Here is the final posting.

Audio File- No change all bugs fixed
Video File- No change all bugs fixed
samrties File- Same as Audio file with changes to loop behavior.

If the Karma system comes back please remember me.
PS- I said final but as always if you find any issues, let me know and I will see what i can do.

EDIT- The following files have been removed until further notice in order to avoid conflict of interest with Mixvibes
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