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Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility

PostPosted: 02 May 2013, 02:37
by djdubc

Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility

PostPosted: 04 May 2013, 03:05
by djdubc
ahhhhh now im starting to get the hang of this :mrgreen: :eek:

Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility

PostPosted: 12 May 2013, 00:19
by djdubc
okay, now i found the commands for the meters but how in the world do u adjust the meters with the master, because the command only specifies the led level with the master, not the volume with the leds and master :eek:

Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility

PostPosted: 14 May 2013, 00:31
by acemc
Im not sure I understand what you're after. If you adjust the master volume control, the led's should adjust accordingly.

Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility

PostPosted: 16 May 2013, 13:34
by djdubc
thats the thing...the meters DO NOT adjust accordingly, the only way they adjust is if i bring the gain level ALL THE WAY down to almost zero then i see the correct responsiveness, its clipping from the time i play a song till the end of the song. i hope that clears it up lolol i hope :eek:

Re: Support - MIDI Output mapping utility(intro)

PostPosted: 09 Oct 2013, 08:26
by daniel clark
:cool: :cool: bump/thump ,,