VCI-400 support on iOS

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VCI-400 support on iOS

Postby loop on 21 Jan 2013, 01:17


got your apps for phone & pad jus recently, when I saw the DJWORX announcement for the iPhone app. Love them both. Great use of the screen estate. Kudos!

For the record, now on the A5 generation of devices, I experience the drops, but I trust you'll optimize your code even on them.
I'm yet to get an iPad4 and iPhone5 the coming weeks, and I so hope that the audio drop on load time will not be an issue on the A6 CPUs.

On Topic: my suggestion is Audio & MIDI support for VCI-400.
Would love to be able to hook up a VCI-400 to both the apps - be it pad or phone. Would gladly pay significant in-app premium for this extra. I love the VCI-400 as it gives me:
1. a feel of a quality piece of hardware
2. it's self powered and runs well with the iPad
3. has real-mixer channels, in addition to the software based
4. it's relatively compact
5. can be used with timecode (not that I care, to be honest, but a benefit for some, I guess.)

I may also consider paying you extra for support of your own U-Mix Control Pro. Yet the VCI-400 is what I would ultimately want to use.
Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jan 2013, 00:52

Re: VCI-400 support on iOS

Postby Luziano on 21 Jan 2013, 12:50

Hi loop,

For the record, now on the A5 generation of devices, I experience the drops, but I trust you'll optimize your code even on them.
I'm yet to get an iPad4 and iPhone5 the coming weeks, and I so hope that the audio drop on load time will not be an issue on the A6 CPUs.

The app should run well on A5 devices. In which conditions do you experiment those drops (if it's at the end of a loop, it's a known bug that will be fixed in next update)?

MIDI is planned. For the moment we don't know if we will only support the U-Mix Control Pro or if we will open it to every controllers.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2011, 11:07

Re: VCI-400 support on iOS

Postby Dj Funky B on 24 Jan 2013, 00:40

Why not open the app to other controllers? In app purchase for other hardware and give U-Mix Control Pro users a free unlock as an incentive to buy the hardware. You would then have a much larger user base...

I also have a VCI-400 (SE) and would love to use it with iPad CrossDj.

Another glowing review left in the App Store :D
Dj Funky B
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Joined: 28 May 2012, 11:46

Re: VCI-400 support on iOS

Postby loop on 10 Feb 2013, 19:46

Luziano wrote:Hi loop,

The app should run well on A5 devices. In which conditions do you experiment those drops (if it's at the end of a loop, it's a known bug that will be fixed in next update)?

MIDI is planned. For the moment we don't know if we will only support the U-Mix Control Pro or if we will open it to every controllers.

The dropouts are during track load and analysis on iPad2. I read in many places in the forum that many users experience it with iOS 6. Same with an iphone4 but its even A4 and way too slow for my liking.

Either way, I now have the iPad4 and that's not a problem for me anymore. It's a very powerful computer this iPad 4 ...

So the VCI-400 is my controller and if the app can work with it, it will be best. And I will pay extra to enable MIDI with it. For my use the standalone mixer on channels C & D are important and I'll keep using it happily. Hopefully with your app too.
Posts: 2
Joined: 21 Jan 2013, 00:52

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