Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

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Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 26 Aug 2018, 18:36

Cross DJ Family,

I have been using Cross DJ flawlessly for a few weeks until yesterday. I had a limited amount tracks tracks and playlists created in my Samsung Galaxy A tablet until last week. It was this past week that I loaded a ton of new music onto the Samsung Galaxy Tab (32 Gig storage). I used about 28 Gig on new music loaded (about 3000 songs). I made sure all my files were analysed as well. I went to use it this past weekend, loaded the first song to play, and the app crashed after 15 seconds into the song. Luckily I brought a backup system for the Ceremony to be safe. As a new user, it freaked me out.

So my questions are:

1. Why would this have happened?
2. How can I correct this from happening again?
3. Is there a proper way to load new music into my Tablet (and of course making sure my files are always analysed)?
4. Is their a limit to the amount of music I should be loading onto my tablet? I imagine you need a "buffer" of memory for processing (not sure if that is what could have caused the multiple crashes).

Thank you everybody for your time. I am always looking to learn:)

DJ Euro
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 26 Aug 2018, 18:51

Hi again DJ Euro,

There should not be a limit to the amount of songs you can have in your collection in Cross DJ(besides the storage limit of your device).

I am not sure exactly why this crash would happen, but you can check to see if there are any other apps running in the background that might be impacting the performance of Cross DJ.

If there are no other apps running and it still happens please let me know the exact version you are using (Cross DJ Free or Pro and the version number) along with the Android OS version on your Galaxy Tab A, so I can fully report this to the developers.

All the best,
Adam @Mixvibes
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 26 Aug 2018, 19:10


In a Samsung Galaxy A, how do you check to see if other Apps are running in the background? I only use the Tablet for Cross DJ only.

DJ Euro
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 26 Aug 2018, 19:22


I do not use the Tablet to connect to the web. Only use it for Ceremony and Cocktail Hour music for weddings.

I had a large 1 hour file I tried to "play" and it would just hourglass and crash after 10-15 seconds. On the other hand, I can play a normal 3-4 minute song just fine. But if I play a Playlist of 20 songs, it very well could crash by the 5-6 song which doesn't make sense to me.

Not sure if I should delete the App and reload it....thoughts?

DJ Euro
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby RoJeC on 26 Aug 2018, 23:38

If you added 28gb music to the 32gb storage that likely also is used for android and some installed apps you have very little space left. The mediabase and the analysis files also require space.

I guess that if possible you reduce the amount of tracks and find out if this provides some more 'working space' for Android (and so for Cross)


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Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 27 Aug 2018, 01:56

Cross DJ Family,

I took out 75% of the music from my Samsung Galaxy A tablet today freeing up tons of space. is still crashing on me. Now the file that is crashing on me is the 1 hour ceremony guest arrive music continuous file. When I go to load it, it hourglasses for like 10 seconds and then just crashes.

I am able to play a single track okay. But when I play a very large file, it crashes. Now here is the thing.......that same 1 hour play file played just fine last week before I loaded all the music to my Tablet last week. No crashes.

So even after I deleted all the new music I loaded onto the Tablet today, it still crashes which is bizarre.

I want to stress that I fo not use the Tablet for anything else but Cross DJ for my wedding events.

Should I reload the App and start over?? I am not a super tech savvy guy sadly. Just looking for answers or help.

DJ Euro
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 27 Aug 2018, 02:10

Hey DJ Euro,

Check to see if you have version 3.2.8 installed since it supposedly has these fixes according to the Play Store change log:

- Fix crash occuring when FX was on
- Fix crash when Recorder could not be set correctly
- Fix several crash in collection
- Fix random crash when loading track

If you are using this version you can try clearing the cache and data for Cross DJ in your devices settings>apps>Cross DJ. you will want to back up any recordings made and be aware that this will reset everything back to default.

If this doesn't help I suspect it is a bug with larger files, there was recently a similar issue with the iOS version of Cross DJ so it may be related (even though both apps are obviously developed independently).

Adam @Mixvibes
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 27 Aug 2018, 02:56


I was able to "update" the Cross DJ app to current. After installed, I went in to try and play that 1 hour file. Magically it is playing perfectly now after the "update".

Now a couple things to note:

1. How often should I check for Cross DJ updates to the App (since I only fire up my Tablet once a week for events)?
2. Even though I am playing now just fine after the update, is there any need for me to "clear my cache" now or periodically? What are there if any benefits to doing this (since Cross DJ is the only App I have on my Tablet)?
3. If I do run into a situation with Cross DJ crashing, I will always make sure the App is "up to date" as a first measure of protection. Was my situation unique or was it a common bug that people were having trouble with?
4. Lastly......i want to go back to loading a bunch of new music onto the Tablet. With a 32 GB Tablet, how much buffer room should I leave on it so it is not to "weighed down" in your opinion? I know you need to keep a certain amount of storage space free for things. I also want to note I have an additional 32 GB SD card storage loaded on my Tablet. Perhaps safer to load tons of music there without affecting the performance of my main Samsung hardrive in your opinion?

Thank you again for your help.

DJ Euro
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Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby RoJeC on 27 Aug 2018, 10:13

Cross will be updated via the playstore. There is no fixed update schedule.

You can use your SD card. But be aware that if you remove the SD while your tab is on you will loose all your track and playlist info. As the android mediabase is automatically updated and when the SD is reentered all tracks are considered new tracks.

Clearing cache is not normal (I never did in the like 4 years I use the app). In this case as you had issues it's to be sure the updated version doesn't use any of the old info that may result in a crash because the cache info is wrong.

If you use and SD card, consider using one that has a througput of more than 10 Gb. The 'older' and cheapest usually have 4. It's just a little more expensive but saves you time (id only when updating the SD).

The amount of free space is hard to tell. Just be sure you have over 1gb after analyses of the tracks. And be aware that by all kinds off Android logs it will gradually become less...

You could replace your long mix by a playlist which you put the list in like twice. Select the list, load first track and then select Automix from settings.


Manual alternative link: ?
Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
FAQ iOS / Android / PC / MAC
Soundcard not available/working? Try the 32bit version of Cross (is also installed).
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Location: Bussum, Netherlands

Re: Cross DJ Crashing (Help!!!)

Postby dj_euro on 27 Aug 2018, 15:13

Thank you for the great tips RoJeC!!!

Just to clarify, are you saying a "should" Cache before I do an update or "not" Cache?
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