
   Suggest features and improvements


Postby Mufasa69 on 20 Feb 2017, 14:41

This is the first mixvibes product that's piqued my interest. I DJ two video gigs weekly.


1. The Demo - why does it have two different limits? 30 mins and 15 days limit. I appreciate its a fully featured demo but i'm not going to purchase without being able to test it either at home studio simulating gig conditions. 30 mins is not enough for this. I will need to know if my Macbookpro can handle it for 3 hours minimum. layering effects, scratching etc at the same time displaying visuals.

May I suggest either
a. Fully Featured Demo with no limits but with a Large Watermark Across the screen or
b. Fully featured demo for 15 days with no time limits with +/-the watermark

2. I really like the Autopilot mode as a solo DJ most times.
May i also suggest a sound active mode should be implemented especially for the auto FX. The app can listen to the room using the macbooks mic during a gig as its already listening anyways.

3. Syphon and Ableton Link - The work flow i plan to use with the Remixvideo is to sync Remixvideo to Serato DJ using Ableton Link then Syphon out Remixvideo's visuals to Mixemergency. I was able to achieve this during demo sessions yesterday. Everything stayed in SYNC (i downloaded the 1080p videos for extra CPU/GPU stress test)

Is there any way to trigger the "ONE" or resync the "ONE" beat especially at the beginning of a PHRASE. Even though the visuals stay in time its not in Phrase. So perhaps a button that can be MIDI mapped and pushed to realign the phrasing.
I know the Ableton link is a BPM sync but i'm suggesting looking at a way to remind REMIXVIDEO where the start of a phrase is. I tried the clicking beatcounter in RV but it only pauses and plays.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2017, 14:01

Re: Remixvideo

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 20 Feb 2017, 15:44

Hi there!

Thanks so much for the feedback, it's really appreciated.

Regarding the Demo, we understand that it might be frustrating that you cannot fully simulate a gig condition. At this stage we will not be able to change the format of the Demo, but having said that if this gets brought to our attention often then we will respond.

Thanks very much for you other suggestions, I have passed them onto the development team and we may see them integrate into a future update.


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Re: Remixvideo

Postby Mufasa69 on 20 Feb 2017, 17:34

No problem. I always buy and support good software and i will be buying this.

In relation to the Ableton Link / Downbeat / Phrasing , the suggested button can pop up when Link is active. If one is using Remixvideo as stand alone VJ sequencer software (i.e if Remixvideo is handle both the audio and video) then there will be no need for that "Beginning of Phrase" button.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2017, 14:01

Re: Remixvideo

Postby Mufasa69 on 21 Feb 2017, 21:43

I hope to see more visual packs released. The default ones are very cool though.

I like the way the content in each pack work with each other visually.

I'm not so much into the sound sample but it was fun bashing on pads and trying to construct a set with the audio sample.

With regards to the phrasing button request, a beat bars counter will be nice too. Like the one in Ableton giving you numbers.
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Re: Remixvideo

Postby Mufasa69 on 26 May 2017, 07:41

Is every update going to be paid for?

1.0.1 to 1.2 etc
Posts: 28
Joined: 20 Feb 2017, 14:01

Re: Remixvideo

Postby apazat on 26 May 2017, 11:38

Hi Mufasa,

Minor updates will be free:
1.0.1 to 1.2 for example

Some nice new features will be added from one minor version to another ;)

Major versions will have to be purchased:
(Like it's done for most softwares)
1.x.x to 2.x.x for instance
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Re: Remixvideo

Postby Mufasa69 on 26 May 2017, 19:21

apazat wrote:Hi Mufasa,

Minor updates will be free:
1.0.1 to 1.2 for example

Some nice new features will be added from one minor version to another ;)

Major versions will have to be purchased:
(Like it's done for most softwares)
1.x.x to 2.x.x for instance

How to update, will that be via Apple Appstore?
Posts: 28
Joined: 20 Feb 2017, 14:01

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