Fade All, 2 Sample Packs, Text Generator

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Fade All, 2 Sample Packs, Text Generator

Postby ianef on 18 Jun 2018, 12:38

Hi, I'm very new to RemixVideo and I'm finding it a very flexible tool but there are a few essential features that are lacking.

Fade All - I'd like to be able to fade down all the video output at once. Working with live bands I often need to change sample packs between numbers and it's rather abrupt just turning off the video output.

2 Sample Packs - It would be great to prepare another sample pack in the background whilst playing the foreground pack. Ideally with a preview too. Then be able to Cross fade from the current pack to the background pack making that the foreground pack.

Text Generator - I would like to be able to display text in a given font and colour etc. in a pad, maybe even scroll text up, down, left, right etc. Also load text from a file and watch for file changes, reload the text when changes occur.

I hope these suggestions make it.
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Re: Fade All, 2 Sample Packs, Text Generator

Postby Team@Mixvibes on 23 Jun 2018, 01:13

Hello ianef,

Thank you for your detailed suggestions! I can pass these on to the rest of the team to see if we can find a way to add them to Remixvideo.

The fade all effect is possible if you click the drop down arrow in between the master fader and fullscreen button on the top right of the screen. That will bring up the master video controls and you can use the brightness to fade the video completely. You can even map that control to a MIDI device or as a keyboard command.

Let me know if you need some help getting this mapped or have any other suggestions.

Adam @Mixvibes
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Re: Fade All, 2 Sample Packs, Text Generator

Postby ianef on 16 Jul 2018, 12:23

Hi Adam

Sorry for the delay, I've been doing other stuff for the past few weeks.

Thanks for the pointers, I had already sussed out the master video controls shortly after posting. I have tried the keyboard mapping to the master video but the problem with this is there is no visual feedback as to the level of brightness, it's then very easy to burn out presentation when holding down the increase key.

It would be nice if keyboard commands that operate a feature that is not currently visible, that feature could be displayed. Or set a minimum/maximum limit for an increase/decrease command.

I guess ultimately I'll migrate to a MIDI controller but I've already spent a lot of cash getting up and running with all the hardware and software needed.

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Location: Wirksworth, UK

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