Cross 2.5 Sampler control trough iPad

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Cross 2.5 Sampler control trough iPad

Postby xtatic on 13 Sep 2013, 12:56

I'm looking for a way to control the samplepads in Cross 2.5. Spinning music is done by timecode and/or U-Mix Control Pro and since i'm considering to by an iPad i was wondering if it's possible to turn it into a midicontroller to control the samplepads.
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Re: Cross 2.5 Sampler control trough iPad

Postby gillies2001 on 13 Sep 2013, 14:49

xtatic wrote:Hi,
I'm looking for a way to control the samplepads in Cross 2.5. Spinning music is done by timecode and/or U-Mix Control Pro and since i'm considering to by an iPad i was wondering if it's possible to turn it into a midicontroller to control the samplepads.

There are 2 apps alot of people (including myself) would recommend that let you create your own iPad controller for Djing.
The 1st is TouchOSC (Cheap, Basic, But gets the job done!)
The 2nd is Lemur (far more advanced and looks pretty but $50!!!)

I would suggest starting with TouchOSC, you can basically design a whole MIDI controller to suit your needs and as a bonus you can use it either by usb cable or wireless over ya network... to help wrap your head around it try going over to youtube and having a look and some layouts people have made for traktor etc..
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Re: Cross 2.5 Sampler control trough iPad

Postby xtatic on 13 Sep 2013, 20:39

Thnx m8!
Posts: 24
Joined: 02 Sep 2008, 09:06
Location: Leuven,belgium

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