Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

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Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

Postby drdbldnm on 07 May 2017, 08:26


I'm running Cross DJ Pro on a Samsung Galaxy Tab A.

At the moment, I find the platter behaviour when scratching in Cross DJ for Android to be quite clumsy, and it's something that I would love to see improved. Currently, there is a tendency for the record to spin too far forwards or backwards when it's released.

I have discovered that this function is currently better implemented in a competing app, 'edjing Mix'. In edjing, scratching feels stable and precise, however, I find Cross DJ Pro superior in all other respects, so it remains my preferred app.

If this issue were to be addressed, I would be completely satisfied with this app.

Last edited by drdbldnm on 10 May 2017, 17:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

Postby RoJeC on 07 May 2017, 11:42

Have you tried if changing the audio settings (decoders) in Advanced settings makes a difference?


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Audio dropouts? Increase audio 'buffer size' value.
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Re: Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

Postby drdbldnm on 07 May 2017, 13:20

I have played around with that and there's no noticeable difference between the different settings. I could be wrong, but it seems to be more of a general issue with the way the turntables behave.

If it's not just my problem, then it will be apparent to you as well if you compare your ability to accurately scratch a short section (for example, a kick drum) of a song during playback using both apps. Personally, I find that Cross DJ feels considerably 'looser' in terms of my ability to accurately control the turntable. It also feels too light and sensitive when releasing the turntable, and that's where there is a chance for the record to spin too far in either direction, sometimes resulting in a very brief pause. The turntable in edjing Mix feels like it has more 'weight' and provides a more authentic and accurate experience in this regard.
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Re: Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

Postby MichPRich on 25 Jun 2017, 01:58

I just came from eDJ mix as well, and if I understand OP's post, I agree completely. So far I've only been playing with the app (full purchase) for a few hours and I feel overall it is the better of the two apps regarding features and responsiveness.

The OP explained already but I'll try to give a second perspective - the vinyl physics as far as I can tell are more similar to eDJ's "relative" setting for scratching, which I always toggled to "absolute" as it felt much closer to actually spinning vinyl. I don't know the technical stuff and I would guess that the behavior is deeply rooted into the foundation of your apps engine - that is to say, I doubt this would be an easy task for your devs to impliment an additional feature as described.. Best I can explain, tho, is the "feeling" of very low friction (vinyl->platter) and/or the users' virtual fingers emulating too much grab/pressure. When I let go of the vinyl after cuing (by hand) with a slight pull back, the vinyl should barely trace back before the platters friction picks back up and gets it on speed. Instead, when I do this in crossDJ, the vinyl seems to spin back freely as if the platter is made of ice for a short moment, before "remembering" to ride the platter.

Does that make sense? Its not a latency or hw issue
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Re: Improved platter behaviour/scratching (Android)

Postby drdbldnm on 10 Sep 2018, 13:49

This remains an issue with the Android app. Any chance this will ever be improved?
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