Support question for 1.8.3

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Support question for 1.8.3

Postby DJ Vintage on 08 Aug 2014, 14:32

I have two issues with the new software:

As I stated in a different post, the time needed to open the app has gone done dramatically (now just 10 seconds or so), but I feel the problem has just moved elsewhere, namely to the loading track sections.

When you go to the library after opening the app, it takes (in my case) an average of 60 seconds to open the library. Total time to open is thus still well over a minute.

I thought this would be only the first time the library was opened, but I tried it several times (also to come up with a good average opening time) and it does it every time (even when nothing has been done to any of the tracks).

I am using my "regular" playlists in iTunes, some have been prepped (MiK and/or Platinum Notes for example), some are straight CD rips, a few are downloads (because I was too lazy to rip my CDs :-) ).

When I went to analyze the tracks in one of my playlists, the process stops at track 73 of 349. I tried playing the track from iTunes and it plays normally. I tried loading the track in one of the decks, you see the little circle rotate in the waveform window, then it disappears and the track doesn't load.

Clearly something is wrong with the track. I understand and accept that Mixvibes can't help things like this. My problem is that the analysing process stops, never reports and error, nor offer a chance to skip the file.

I think it would be nice if the anyalyse window had a button next to the "cancel"-button for skipping a file that doesn't seem to analyse. Now I first have to go and delete the file, replace it with another copy before I can analyse the rest of my tracks. If I could just hit skip, I could finish analysing everything and THEN go fix the broken ones in one go.

Any help or suggestions are welcome
DJ Vintage
Posts: 366
Joined: 19 Jun 2013, 16:42
Location: Utrecht - The Netherlands

Re: Support question for 1.8.3

Postby Luziano on 12 Aug 2014, 10:57


About the loading time of your library, I remember your previous post about it, don't worry, we think about it! We're very busy right now on other improvements, but as soon as we can we will try to improve this.

About the second point, did you try to play the song with another DJ app? Music app can do things we're not allowed to. I will check why the auto-analysis stop on this track and solve it, should be very fast.
Posts: 158
Joined: 07 Apr 2011, 11:07

Re: Support question for 1.8.3

Postby DJ Vintage on 12 Aug 2014, 20:28

Hi, I ran an MP3 check on the track. It came back with some kind of synchronisation error. The software corrected the file, I loaded it back into iTunes. This time it analysed and played correctly.

Again, I wasn't worried about a bad track not analysing, but about the fact that this stops the entire analysis process. And it keeps halting at the same point til you remove the track.

So a "skip" button or something would be great!
DJ Vintage
Posts: 366
Joined: 19 Jun 2013, 16:42
Location: Utrecht - The Netherlands

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