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Cross DJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 17 Mar 2013, 14:34
by heros109
hi there,

I have always the problem that my iTunes Playlists showing in the Remote app exactly but when i click on it the Remote app can't display the titels of my mediathek. What can I do to fix it?

BR Stephan
Win 7 Prof. 64-Bit
Cross DJ 2.3.0
Cross DJ RMT 1.3.0

Re: CrossDJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 14 Apr 2013, 11:38
by heros109
No one an Idea??? :rolleyes:

Re: CrossDJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 18 Apr 2013, 18:00
by djegun
Please can you send/post your iTunes XML file (C:\Users\UserName\Music\iTunes) ?

Re: CrossDJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2013, 00:04
by heros109

Re: CrossDJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2013, 10:18
by djegun
Hi can you explain more precisely what is your problem? Can you add screenshots of the problem app and mac app?

Re: Cross DJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2013, 15:09
by heros109
After Downgrade from Cross DJ Remote for iPad from Ver. 1.3.1 to 1.2.1 it is always OK. The old app find my iTunes databases from all the two windows 7 PCs.

Please check your new iPad app because its buggy.


Re: Cross DJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2013, 20:50
by jaydii

I could not get Cross DJ Remote for my iPad to connect to my Macbook Cross DJ installation either. It was pretty frustrating, and I spent almost an hour to an hour and a half trying to diagnose possible networking issues. I finally was able to connect, realizing there was a "Status" button on the Remote deck that was used to pair my iPad and MacBook. I'd like to give a couple of suggestions in order or importance(in my opinion at least), to make this process more intuitive for new users to the software:

1) Update the user manual to have the correct connection steps. Unlike what the manual suggests, the pairing dialog does not popup on the Remote app startup. If this is still the case, I did not see this, and this was probably a major reason I could not pair. Also, putting the connection steps somewhere on your website would be useful. I only found out about the steps in the manual after searching the forum.
2) Add the pairing options in the Remote menu as well. I'd think that is where most users would expect it. Also, a minor improvement - the menu in Remote isn't very evident, it would be nice if there was a button that represents how to get to it like in the desktop app.
3) The instruction manual suggests that an adhoc wifi network is required. This is not actually the case. It is also very annoying to have to set this up, and less computer savvy users may not realize that the ad hoc network isn't required each time. I could imagine this would be cumbersome to setup each time you want to start a DJing session.

Now that I got the app to work, I'm quite happy with it, but I can say that I was literally 5 minutes away from emailing Apple for a refund until I stumbled across the Status button.

Re: Cross DJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2013, 21:02
by UncleVibes
Thanks for your report and happy for the happy end. Be sure that 2014 will bring you more from us.

Re: Cross DJ Remote for iPad Bug?

PostPosted: 16 Feb 2014, 13:31
by pschuh

I also had the same problem and could not believe that the solution were that easy. :rolleyes: Please add the "trick" with the status-button to your documentation.

And let people also know that it is not necessary to set up a ad hoc network when both, the iPad and the desktop computer, are still in the same network.

Best regards