A few of my Feature/funtion requests if i may.

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A few of my Feature/funtion requests if i may.

Postby Activated Soundwave on 28 Oct 2016, 15:38

Keep meaning to find Time around ill health and other daily chores to Write up in more detail some ideas, but as usual I have not found time but it is important to me in every way, just a pity I am stuck with serato for now until I manage to map my MCX8000 controller to Cross that in this case it just will not map using the basic mapping tools, a note on this if need be I can send my controller in for mapping, I would pay one way depending as I am in The uk.

Anyhow onto my Requests that I can explain in brief leaving out the more complex effects section.

A) It may sound silly to some, but I can get great usage out of a sync to master button for the Preview, as I find these days especially with serato its just not real anymore, their is too much pre setting up and I keep getting sucked more into this, but for those with large collections weather it be on the fly mixing or setting up a set the time that can be saved by pushing sync to master to hear instantaneous what may work and what does not is quite a game changer in time saving especially on the fly, you already probably have the best library browser and defiantly Pre cue Section, this would round it off and it is a good thing to have period, Cross may seem a little behind according to those that use these other software, but I always maintain you have the better foundation that pays more attention to detail yet its implemented in an immediate sense for the user, in the future too this will be one off many points to mention in your adds with the write wording.

B) An idea that has been going over my mind and now serato have this Flip which is basically away to make users of serato pay for full looping control, which other software have as standard and they box it up as Flip. In my ideal based on how Cross is at the moment with its sampling decks, Being able to Link Clips to play as many times as you wish and in a particular order, Maybe as standard its goes in order of linking 1thru to 8 in order per deck side, but you could later elaborate this for on the fly usage and maybe be able to select pads in a random order to play back once but linked in accordance to the pads or buttons you press on your controller, So you kind of press your Shift or mod key followed by the pad order you wish to play release and then Press another control to start sequence. But I would say the beauty of Cross is also this ability to save presets and call back on the fly, similar to like we already save with sample we need preset/save system similar to this for a new effects section eventually and also with this idea B) in the future if B) could evolve, I know you have your new app that revolves around sequencing pads, so to put some of this know how tech in for Cross without detracting from what we already have as I would not like to see too many changes just yet if at all with lay out etc. one step at a time to see what works. I don't want overkill, just practicality.

I do have more ideas, but they only come to me while I am using Cross DJ. but these are good points to focus on, I will try and keep all my similar post here under this topic.

I would unfortunately for marketing purposes suggest a rebranding of the name Cross DJ etc but Mixvibes is cool . I really think mixvibes/ Cross could compete with the top 2 after some careful thought on the marketing angle and also what point to push out to the Prospective users, their could be great stuff, I hope you manage to make your profits and sustain mixvibes into the future, Just one last thought I think that could do well by setting up a modular page in your setup option and turn the effects section into a hidden modular world just for the effects, where we can setup our own effects parameter preferences, as I always say! nothing like being able to tweek ableton effects and get them working in harmony instead of fighting each other unlike the clash we here in these supposed other software's we have choices, but point being I would pay a fee for such and something that can evolve into the future, instead of vst, as much as that may be great it will hinder performance allowing third party vst effect, so I suggest staying clear, and keeping all the cpu uasge and performance in Cross working smooth.

Over and out for now, But please if you have any ideas on the future development I would love to give my views and test out in advance, obviously at the moment this is on mapping my denon MCX8000 I made this jump from my Pioneer controller and after my Pioneer xdj1000 and 2000 nexus mixer, because I still believe Cross is the one for me and has much more to offer and the Rekord box conversion again is another major advantage for us bedroom djs wanting to break into the clubs,its a really nice touch and a future selling point, If you keep such hush until a Re launce in the future once you have nailed these important aspects I suggest you go for it only then, but defiantly next year some time. You go get EM! :) :) :D :cool:

Only my thoughts and ideas, but all quite practical
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Sorry if I ever come across the wrong way,Its never intentionally intended, and I am Always approachable.

I do not use video at present so in my experience I only refer to mixing audio
Activated Soundwave
Posts: 397
Joined: 03 Mar 2012, 16:36
Location: Almost manchester UK

Re: A few of my Feature/funtion requests if i may.

Postby Activated Soundwave on 30 Oct 2016, 22:38

another what I consider to be a great idea\to help work flow Small quick press buttons C + A & B + D by each sampler deck that will link sampler to the tracks that are already loaded, so when ever I load that track up it will load the linked sample deck with it.
I will get back to this soon been busy
Got more to relation to this post, that rounds this idea off nice but just need to check a couple of thing.
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Sorry if I ever come across the wrong way,Its never intentionally intended, and I am Always approachable.

I do not use video at present so in my experience I only refer to mixing audio
Activated Soundwave
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Location: Almost manchester UK

Re: A few of my Feature/funtion requests if i may.

Postby Activated Soundwave on 24 Nov 2016, 19:02

I was thinking again about some sort or markers or indicators, extra little hot cues if you will something that will not detract from the main hot cues, a hidden menu is all that is needed like with hot Cue but maybe another hidden layer again as these would not be needed for the live aspect only for marking out start and finish point and so on what ever we wish to tage as a reminder, sampling etc etc.

But these should only be bound to that set playlist not the collections or any other set, hopefully their will be a way to implement this in a very minimal way and in appearance overall , maybe the hidden tag list is only a temp list to make any sense and it will then add some sort or attachment or tag to the playlist in question so next time we open that playlist the tags appear in our Hidden tag list etc.

we would only need one neutral small indicator colour that we don't already have for mix in and mix out point. you could include
then some other with maybe approx. 8 character dialogue box for a few words just like you get in a ableton or sonar etc or just have more colour option so we can devise our own preferred sampler cue reminder system etc, just a way to tag our set so we can get even more precision in the mix. we have technology so why not utilise the hell out of it, with the things that really matter not gimmicks.
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Sorry if I ever come across the wrong way,Its never intentionally intended, and I am Always approachable.

I do not use video at present so in my experience I only refer to mixing audio
Activated Soundwave
Posts: 397
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Location: Almost manchester UK

Re: A few of my Feature/funtion requests if i may.

Postby Activated Soundwave on 09 Jan 2017, 11:24

I think I need to simplify my suggestion to make it clearer at a glance.
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FAQ - http://mixvibes.com/faq/
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http://www.mixvibes.com/wp-content/uplo ... manual.pdf

Sorry if I ever come across the wrong way,Its never intentionally intended, and I am Always approachable.

I do not use video at present so in my experience I only refer to mixing audio
Activated Soundwave
Posts: 397
Joined: 03 Mar 2012, 16:36
Location: Almost manchester UK

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