Stretch mode in Video plugin?

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Stretch mode in Video plugin?

Postby Boingy on 12 Mar 2013, 22:23

Hello all,
I've just upgraded from Vfx and I see that there's no Stretch mode for the video output. There's Crop and Preserve alright, but no Stretch. Is this situation likely to be resolved?
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Re: Stretch mode in Video plugin?

Postby sylMV on 13 Mar 2013, 12:49


What did you use stretch for?
This mode is not available in the plugin as it's considered as useless (deforming the image to fit a screen is never a good idea...)

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Re: Stretch mode in Video plugin?

Postby Support@MixVibes on 13 Mar 2013, 13:09

It didn't make it into the video plugin because not satisfying with the quality it deliver.
Can you explain why you need it and how you use it please ?
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Re: Stretch mode in Video plugin?

Postby Boingy on 14 Mar 2013, 00:57

I want to use Stretch because all my videos are in standard PAL format. Some videos are 16:9, but many are 4:3 format. If I output via HDMI, the PAL image has too few pixels to fill the screen. This makes upscaling necessary. Right now, my only option is to use Crop, but this mode cuts off the top and bottom of the video.
I can't see how Stretch mode reduces quality by more than Crop. In effect, in Crop mode, there is even less quality than in Stretch mode, when playing back 4:3 videos. This is because there is something like 11% less of the original pixels to fill the screen.... Less pixels, less quality.
Since I have to lose quality anyway, would it not be better to fill the screen without the cropping, so that at least I have all of the original pixels to show on screen? I would prefer to have that option.
Incidentally, when the first standards converters from PAL to NTSC were made, the cheap ones used to crop off the extra lines that PAL videos had... Until people noticed that foreheads and text graphics were all cut off!
Tony, an old TV engineer ;)
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Re: Stretch mode in Video plugin?

Postby Support@MixVibes on 14 Mar 2013, 12:37

Alright, transmiting your request. ;)
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