support for rane 61 and rane 62(make ssl user Cross

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support for rane 61 and rane 62(make ssl user Cross

Postby dj_cross_fade on 22 Feb 2013, 05:23

i know you can map the mixer but thats not the point .
my idea is plug and play for rane 61,62 and 68 to make them (takes of glasses )
Cross over lol. pun

so if they end up not like ssl and or looking for plug n play
boom Cross they would not have to map anything if they dont want to
or just dont want to deal with mapping like my bud that has been djing for 23/24 years :eek: he hates it .
his mind set is that it has to work out of the box.
i know there is alot of djs out there like that .

so support these mixers so that mixvibes gets more money .
i stream my mixes and Gameplay at
at you get no copy right strikes and im working on making a DJ community there
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Re: support for rane 61 and rane 62(make ssl user Cross

Postby dj_cross_fade on 22 Feb 2013, 05:25

and then tell DJ tech tools to re-review :D
i stream my mixes and Gameplay at
at you get no copy right strikes and im working on making a DJ community there
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Location: usa, ca, sunnyvale

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