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Scratch History, Produced with MixVibes PRO 6

PostPosted: 12 Mar 2007, 07:10
by gakto2009
I was really board the other night, so i thought i would try something a little new.. I'm still getting to know Pro 6 features and i thought to myself there is no better way to learn, than to just go a head and do it, in this case "it" being setting up MIDI control and editing the MIDI config file.

Using only MixVibes Pro 6 and it's effects, MIDI drum machine, some drum kit samples... oh and the MixVibes Timecode Vinyl ;o) this is what i came up with..

Click to listen, Right click.. Save as to download.

Basic, but not bad for a first try.. without a sequencer might i add.

PostPosted: 12 Apr 2007, 20:12
by mydogrizla
not bad man keep it up !!!