[ALLEN & HEATH XONE:4D][2 DECKS] MixVibes 7 

This download was added 27 Jul 2009, 17:14 by djegun and last edited 19 Nov 2009, 18:14 by djegun • Last download 23 Mar 2021, 20:17

Edition of the MIDI file needed to control Allen & Heath Xone:4D controller with Mixvibes 7.21.

*Channel 16 (default channel)
Map 1

*Explanation of some buttons (from top to bottom):

*'Normal' commands:

Rotary encoders:
- Select effect 1
- Effect 1 on/off
- Select autoloop length
- Active autoloop
- Select effect 2
- Effect 2 on/off

Rotary potentiometers:
- Effect 1 volume
- Effect 1 parameter 1
- Effect 1 parameter 2
- Effect 1 parameter 3

- Effect 2 volume
- Effect 2 parameter 1
- Effect 2 parameter 2
- Effect 2 parameter 3

Linear faders:
- Volume
- Pitch

Push buttons:
- Loop in
- Loop out
- Reloop
- Hotloop1
- Hotloop2
- Hotloop3
- Pad1
- Pad2
- Pad3
- Hotcue1
- Hotcue2
- Hotcue3

Rotary encoder:
- Select pitch mode
- Key

Jog Wheel:
- Scratch/Pitchbend

Illuminated push buttons:
- Cue
- Play/Pause
- Set Cue
- Brake

*'Shift' commands:

Push buttons:
- Move loop in point (+/- 10ms)
- Move loop out point (+/- 10ms)
- Move hotcue1 point (+/- 10ms)
- Move hotcue2 point (+/- 10ms)
- Move hotcue3 point (+/- 10ms)

Jog Wheel:
- Select media
- Load media


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